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What should you know about black steel pipes?

Date:2023-11-16View:619Tags:black steel pipes
What should you know about black steel pipes?

Black steel pipe is a popular material used to transport natural gas and water. They can be used in both domestic and commercial applications and are generally stronger than other materials such as pvc. The composition and properties of black steel pipe make it perfect for some applications, but less than perfect for others. If you plan to use black steel pipes, it’s a good idea to know these things about black steel pipes. 

black steel pipe

How to install black steel pipe?

Step 1 – cut and thread the pipe

Secure the pipe in a pipe vise on a stand and cut using a pipe cutter with a rotating cutting blade. It is recommended that you use high-quality cutting oil to help protect your pipe cutting machine.
Once the pipe is cut to length, the cut ends are deburred or shaved to remove the sharp ridges that occur when the pipe is cut. Use plenty of cutting oil to prevent damage to the tool and threads. Placing a large piece of cardboard or plywood underneath the cutting and threading area can save a lot of cleaning later on. Alternatively, use a bucket with a large mesh strainer under the cutting area to collect excess oil for later use.
Pipes must be threaded for proper connection. If you're lucky, you might be able to find the length of pipe you need at a plumbing or hardware store. Use a pipe threading machine for threading. Use a mold appropriate for the size of the pipe. Install the die on the end of the pipe and turn the handle half a turn at a time to cut the threads. Use high-quality cutting oil to protect the mold. Continue tapping until the thread reaches the thickness of the die. Once completed, the threads will taper to provide a better seal. Stand the pipe upright when finished to remove any pipe debris. Wipe the threads with a rag. Be careful here - pipe threads are sharp.

Step 2 – connect accessories

Black steel pipes are connected using fittings and connectors. In a typical gas line installation, teflon tape or pipe joint compound should always be used on the threads to ensure there are no leaks.
If using pipe thread sealing tape, wrap it around the threads and insert into the joint. Make sure to wrap the teflon tape in the correct direction; facing the end of the tube, wrap in a clockwise direction. You should wrap the tape around the wire at least four times, but no more than six or seven times.
Alternatively, you can use pipe joint compound (also called pipe dope) as an adhesive on the threads to ensure a tight connection. Pipe paint is applied with a brush, a small piece of wood, or a rag. Apply it to the threaded ends of pipes and the inside of connecting fittings before joining the two parts to each other. Over time, the adhesive dries and expands slightly, creating an airtight seal between the pipe and the connecting fitting coated with the compound.
Hand-tighten the pipe, then use two pipe wrenches (one on the pipe and one on the fitting) to tighten the connector. If you find that the pipe is too loose, it may need to be recut. Read more.

Black steel pipe joint skills

I tightened them by hand, put a small nipple in the elbow and turned it again and it started to get really snug, i probably wouldn't have been able to do a full turn without the tool, but the tool cooperated. When i attached the longer tubes to them, they would move if i didn't hold the inside in place with a wrench while tightening the outside.

What should you know about black steel pipes?

1.They are different from galvanized pipes.

Black steel pipes are mainly different from galvanized pipes. Because they are both made of steel, some may find this confusing. Galvanized pipe is steel pipe coated with a zinc compound that helps it resist corrosion and make it more durable. This coating is also the reason why galvanized pipe is more expensive. Black steel pipes have no such coating or even paint. The black color comes from iron oxide during the manufacturing process.
Black steel pipes are widely used for gas and water applications, although with the introduction of other materials such as pvc for water pipes, black steel pipes are used more for gas.

2.Black steel pipes can still rust.

Another reason black steel pipes are better suited for gas is that they lack a protective coating to prevent rust. Black steel pipes are prone to rust due to frequent contact with water or even in humid environments. You can apply your own protective coating to your pipes, but the easiest way to protect them is to paint them.
Although they are still sometimes used to transport water, they are never used for drinking water because corrosion of the metal can mix rust with drinking water. They are best suited for use in closed-loop hydronic and steam heating systems because they are not constantly exposed to oxygen. They are also commonly used as electrical conduits.

3.They require extra protection underground.

Since one of the primary applications of black steel pipe is to transport natural gas, consideration should be given to placing it underground. This is especially important if you are supplying gas or water to rural areas. The natural heat resistance of these pipes can help, but underground environments are often wet or easily accessible to water. Burying black steel pipes is not recommended unless they are covered with a protective coating to prevent oxidation. The durability of the metal will prove useful as it can last for more than 10 years underground if protected against moisture. But without protection, it won't last that long.

4.They can withstand pressure and heat up to 150 psi.

Like all pipes, black steel pipes have their pressure limits. They typically handle natural gas or propane gas, both of which are always under 60 psi. This is well below the 150 psi pressure standard that must be followed to properly install black steel pipe. If you use high-quality black steel pipes, they should be able to withstand these pressures.
As mentioned earlier, black steel pipes are naturally heat-resistant. Their melting points typically exceed 538°c (1000°f), but teflon tapes commonly used to hold joints together fail at around 260°c (500°f). Even if the pipes can withstand higher temperatures, if the tape fails, the pipes will begin to leak. The good news is that normal weather or natural environments don't reach temperatures that high. So, unless your pipes are near any machinery that generates extreme heat, you don't have to worry about them failing due to temperature.

5.They are easy to connect.

Black steel pipes are easy to install because they have seams, using only a series of fittings and no welding required. Because black steel pipe is less expensive than galvanized pipe, welding is not required, making it a cost-effective option. Black steel pipes are known to be malleable, which means they can be easily threaded and connected to other parts without any problems. Black steel pipe is a great material as long as it is avoided in environments prone to corrosion or rust.


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