Mechanical Inspections

Mechanical Inspections

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Product Analysis – Chemical & Mechanical Testing of Pipe
Metallurgical Tests
Metallurgical Tests confirm that the chemical requirements of pipe are as per the material standard.

Metallurgical Tests are normally known as Micro and Macro pipe inspection & testing.
Micro Analysis or Chemical Analysis of
Raw material
Weld ensures that all the alloying elements are within the range as specified in the material standard
Macro Analysis for Weld will check the proper fusion of weld material with pipe material.

There are some Special pipe inspection tests also carried out on the material when it is going to be used in aggressive environments. These tests will ensure that pipe material is able to withstand in such aggressive environments also. Some of the tests are

Grain size (AS & SS)
IGC- Intergranular Corrosion Test(SS)
Ferrite (SS)
HIC- Hydrogen-induced Cracking
SSC- Sulfide Stress Corrosion Cracking

These tests are performed when it is asked by the purchaser in his specification.

Destructive test
The mechanical / Destructive test of pipe inspection confirms the mechanical requirements of pipe are as per the material standard.

In Destructive Testing- a sample from the pipe is cut to performed tests

The tensile test is done to check the yield and ultimate tensile of the pipe. If required by the purchaser or by standard high or low-temperature tensile tests are also performed.
Bend test / Guided bend test is used to check the integrity of weld joint
Flattening test examines the ability of plastic deformation in a pipe
Impact test / Charpy V-Notch Test, check the ability of a material to withstand under low-temperature conditions
Creep test is done to check the long term effect of temperature under constant load.