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Fluido de acero inoxidable, manguera de acero inoxidable

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Fluido de acero inoxidable, manguera de acero inoxidable
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Tubos y mangueras de fluidos de acero inoxidable

Fecha:2023-02-23Vista:302Etiquetas:Fluido de acero inoxidable, manguera de acero inoxidable
Stainless Steel Fluid Tubes and Hoses

Stainless seamless steel pipes for conveying fluid substances, used in food, pressure vessels, industrial transportation and other industries. Pipelines for transporting fluids have very high requirements on technology, the most critical points are:

Stainless Steel Fluid Tubes

1. Requirements for pipe material: Since the pipe wall will have a certain impact force when conveying objects, there are certain requirements for compressive performance; the compressive strength of 304 stainless steel pipe is as high as 515Mpa or more, and it has good compressive resistance.

2. Surface finish: The inner and outer surfaces of the stainless steel pipe are polished to make the surface of the pipe fittings bright; that is what we often call a mirror surface. The main purpose is to prevent the fluid material in the tube from forming a wall in the tube, which will easily pollute and cause blockage in the tube after a long time. Gangzheng has mastered the core technology of the polishing process, and the surface roughness of the pipe fittings can reach 0.008μm.

3. Passivation layer: After polishing, the steel pipe needs to be soaked in a passivation pool, and the surface of the steel pipe is oxidized with an acidic passivation solution to form a passivation layer, so that the stainless steel pipe can achieve anti-corrosion effect. Gangzheng has a professional chemical reagent blender to monitor each process in real time to ensure that the pipe fittings can be pickled and passivated thoroughly without damaging the workpiece.

4. Oil-free degree: After the passivation is completed, carry out oil-free cleaning to remove oil stains on the surface of the steel pipe. After completion, it needs to be checked with a grease analyzer. The main purpose is to prevent the oil on the pipe wall itself from contaminating the fluid in the pipe.

Stainless steel hose

Stainless steel hoses can be used as protective tubes on the surface of some wires, cables, and signal lines of automated instruments. The length of each stainless steel hose is generally 50 meters. The diameter of the stainless steel hose varies from large to small. The stainless steel hose can be used as a line protection tool for some electronic equipment, including sensor lines and other sensor lines, such as optical scale sensors and industrial sensors. Stainless steel hose has a good degree of softness, corrosion resistance, and high temperature resistance. , Not easy to wear, in addition, stainless steel hose also has the characteristics of not easy to stretch.

The stainless steel plastic hose can prevent the hose from burning, and the color is black and gray. This kind of stainless steel hose has the characteristics of preventing stretching, preventing damage, heavy pressure and heavy impact, and it also has the ability to shield the surrounding area. Due to its electromagnetic characteristics, the plastic-coated stainless steel hose has a beautiful appearance and powerful functions, which makes us feel at ease when we are protecting various industries such as electric power lines and electrical appliances. It is a very safe protection measure.

Stainless steel hose

Advantages of stainless steel hose:

1. The flexibility of stainless steel hose is very high.
2. The stainless steel hose will not be blocked or stiff.
3. Light weight is also the characteristic of stainless steel hose.
4. The stainless steel hose can perform repeated bending operations, and the flexibility is also very good.
5. The stainless steel hose is difficult to bend and can prevent stretching. It has strong tensile performance and good compression resistance.
6. The outside of the stainless steel hose is soft and smooth, which is very convenient for positioning and installation, and can also be used for threading operations.
7. The stainless steel hose made of PVC has good waterproof performance.

Precautions for installation of corrugated stainless steel hose:

1. The corrugated stainless steel hose has its own special corrugation, which is made by processing chrome-nickel austenitic stainless steel. When making corrugated stainless steel hoses, it is necessary to prevent the corrosion of dilute sulfuric acid from being destroyed.
2. After completing the hydraulic test of the corrugated stainless steel hose, it is necessary to avoid the part where the rust block is hit hard, or the sediment is deposited on the rust, otherwise the equipment will be damaged or corroded.

3. During the installation of the corrugated stainless steel hose, it is necessary to protect the metal hose, otherwise leakage will occur.